
DECC held its annual general meeting on April 12th, 2011 in the Kaval-Ants tavern (a renovated  traditional barn turned into a venue of conferences, meetings, parties, etc next to the old town of Tallinn). The chamber manager Mrs Merli Lindberg made an overview of 2010 members, actvities and financial situation. The chamber's council chairman, Mr Jens Christiansen made a presentation of the Foreign Investors' Council in Estonia. Council 2011 nominees were introduced and elections took place. The new council members in the alphabetical order are:


Agnes Aaslaid

Andrus Soodla

Jens Christiansen

Kristel Ditmann

Marco Iovino

Sören Heijnfelt

Terje Henriksen

Ulrick Thamdrup

Veikko Toomere

Vladimir Jelov


After the election of the new council the proposals for 2011 activities and budget were confirmed and the event continued with a presentation on "How is politics done in Estonia through the eyes of a Dane?" by Ole Rasmussen. Ole Rasmussen is a member of Saue City municipality.


All participants had a great time enjoying the interesting presentation and a nice buffet prepared by the Von Stackelberg hotel's restaurant. Take a look at the event's photo gallery from here.