
On April 19, we had an excellent opportunity to get to know more of the soul of beers. Our guide to beer world, Mr James Ramsden has taken a 5-year university course as a brewer in the UK and has a long experience with beer. Currently he's running a beer shop in town and a special bar in the old town, where not only beer, but also the selection of beer has been lifted to the heights.

The gathered had a possibility to smell and touch different types of hobs, taste 10 beers different in color, taste, looks, smell and feeling, from fresh to fruity, from ruby to white, from espresso to smoked ham taste. Sounds thrilling! As many participants, as many various opinions were shared. Trying to compile a top of 10 tasted beers was a mission impossible - everyone had their own favourites.

By the end of the day, we just got a mere hint of what the brewers have to offer for us. Therefore stubbornly, we continue introducing different beers throughout the year during DECC events. Stay tuned!